Tuesday, September 29, 2009


福克斯推荐我看《悉尼晨锋报》上的一篇文章,一个名叫JEAN-PAUL NERRIERE的法国人正在发明一种他称之为GLOBISH的全球化语言,和世界语不同,这种全球化语言源于英语,用于非英语国家及国际间交流的一种工具,他的动机是为了增强全球各民族之间的相互理解。

Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Birthday to Confucius

Today is Confucius' birthday. I only knew it from GOOGLE where Confucius' figure stands in for the letter 'L'. Everybody knows that Confucius is a great philosopher from ancient China, his works and words are studied by many scholars in many other Asian and Western countries.

I admire Confucius' teaching but I don't understand them hundred percent, may be there is a difference between the sage and normal people. I think that if people could really understand and practice Confucian teaching, Confucius would be very happy in the heaven. By the way, I should remember that Confucius was born on 28 September, 551 B.C.

Saturday, September 26, 2009



Friday, September 25, 2009


读到周晓陆寄来的诗歌,引用并反诘数十年前的诗歌“时间开始了"? 道出了他对时间的感悟,颇有历史学家的襟怀,哲学家的思辩。诗歌充满激情,不乏理智。

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Grandma's Old House

Colour photo 'Grandma's Old House' was exhibited in the Manning House, University of Sydney during September 2009. Grandma's old house is gone and replaced by high rise buildings, the old traditions of neighbourhood and community disappeared as modernity invades. Only the memories from childhood will last forever.

Lyric in the toilet

Is toilet a good place to learn lyric?
Looking around in such a narrow, depressed space, some lines on the wall came into sight:

"life sucks, and then you die. J.B."

what a depressing perspective to life.
not far from the depressing, there is hope:

"For long you live
and high you fly
and smiles you give
and tears you cry
and all you touch
and all you see
Is all your life
will ever be
Pink Floyd"


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


